On January 17th, forces of nature and incomparable poets Leila Chatti and Elizabeth A. I. Powell read for Manderley.
Leila Chatti is a Tunisian-American poet and author of Deluge (Copper Canyon Press, 2020) and the chapbooks Ebb (Akashic Books, 2018) and Tunsiya/Amrikiya, the 2017 Editors' Selection from Bull City Press. Her honors include a Pushcart Prize, grants from the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund and the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation, and fellowships from the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing, and Cleveland State University, where she was the inaugural Anisfield-Wolf Fellow in Publishing and Writing. She currently teaches at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she is the Mendota Lecturer in Poetry. Her poems appear in TheNew York Times Magazine, POETRY, Ploughshares, Tin House, American Poetry Review, and elsewhere.
Elizabeth A. I. Powell is the author of Atomizer (2020 LSU Press), two previous collections of poetry, and a novel, Concerning the Holy Ghost's Interpretation of JCREW Catalogues. She is an associate professor of writing and literature at Northern Vermont University and Editor at Green Mountains Review.
Enjoy their reading and conversation below!